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Seven Sisters Children's Home for Girls

SSCHG - Math camp

Who we are

Seven Sisters Children’s Home for Girls is registered under the Indian Juvenile Justice Act and provides specialized care to minor girls who have suffered from trafficking and sexual exploitation. Our children, rescued from a variety of abusive situations, live in a secure, loving environment designed to help them heal from their deepest wounds. They live together as a family, sharing responsibilities and supporting each other, attending school, learning life skills, and preparing for the time when they will live independently.

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Seven Sisters’ professional staff provides medical, psycho-social, legal, and educational services to each client. Specialized counselling protocol, specifically designed for treating sexual abuse survivors, is utilized in regular therapy sessions conducted by our staff psychologist, and shapes how all staff members interact with the girls in daily activites. Our year-round school is an accredited annex of the YWCA English School and offers individually designed education plans for each girl based on her school background and knowledge of each subject. Girls also participate in self-defense class, yoga, computer training, arts and crafts, dance and stitching classes. Our social workers conduct investigations to locate families and determine whether it is safe to return a child to her home environment. Our legal team pursues justice in the courts against our girls’ abusers and works to secure all the benefits outlined under the law.

Client Profile

Trafficked and sexually exploited survivors have unique emotional and behavioral issues and should not be housed together with or receive the same treatment as the general population of children in need of care and protection. Our clients come to us having experienced deep childhood trauma, which can take years to overcome. Never having the opportunity to attend school, they suffer from learning deficiencies requiring specialized education which is not offered in regular schools. For these reasons, Seven Sisters Children’s Home for Girls limits its services to trafficking and sexual abuse survivors exclusively.

Where We Work

Our work is headquartered in Assam, one of the “Seven Sister” states of Northeast India. Many girls are trafficked as housekeepers and for the sex trade from this ethnically distinct region to large cities throughout India. After rescue and return to Assam quality aftercare is vital to their healing and recovery. Girls are referred to Seven Sisters Children’s Home for Girls by government agencies and NGO’s through the social welfare system.

Contact Us

For security and safety of our children we do not disclose our physical location.
To contact us please call +91 70860-24464, +91 88110-97883 or Email